Helping Schools Create a Memorable Virtual Graduation Experience.

We have helped schools virtually graduate over 3500 students. Our approach helps you include most, if not all of your programming that you include in your typical graduation experience.

Our team looks forward to speaking with you to create a grad experience like no other.

Let’s Connect!

Who We Are

This project is brought to you by Access52. We are a registered charity whose mission is to create live event experiences to inspire students, parents and teachers in school communities across the country. Every year we speak to over 30,000 students, and when COVID-19 hit, all of our foreseen events were cancelled. Because this has created a challenge not only for us but also for the many school communities we speak to every year, we have created a virtual grad experience that will inspire and support the graduating class of 2021 Learn more about access52.

This Project

Access My Grad is our response to help the graduating class of 2021 have a virtual grad experience like no other. We have designed a program that includes many components that every graduation typically has. Of course, this year will be different but that does not mean it can't be awesome! The template you see here is our best effort in achieving an experience that will help this graduating class feel special and be together for this milestone (virtually). This schedule has some recommendations but can also be adapted for your school and the amazing ideas you may want to include.

Virtual ceremony template table

The Process

We will work with your admin team, teachers, grad councils and students to create a schedule that you are excited about. From there, we will determine how to capture the content: whether it be us coming to your school to film all addresses, speeches and b-roll, or for your school to provide us with the videos that will be used in the program.

If your school provides the content to us, we will send you an easy upload process for you to get us the material.

The most important part of this virtual graduation experience is to make sure we have all names and pictures of the graduates. Once you have confirmed the pictures and correct spellings of their names, we will edit and produce a program your school community will be proud of.


You will have a few options to choose from for the delivery of your graduation.

  1. We will provide a link to embed in your school’s website, and once the date and time of your graduation is confirmed a countdown will begin 30 minutes prior to the event on your school’s website, and at the confirmed time your graduation experience will begin.
  2. We can provide a downloadable link for you to share with your students, and they can watch on their own time.
  3. We can produce a live event with a stage, large LED screen, live audio and FM transmitter (for people in cars) and create an outdoor experience intertwined with the pre-recorded material. This will allow the students to have the option to walk the stage during the diploma ceremony.


This virtual grad experience starts at a cost of $25 per graduate*.

If your school chooses to go with our live event option, please contact us for pricing. There's a minimum cost of $2,750 per school.

We are committed to helping as many schools as possible in every way we can to make this happen. Please contact us if your school needs financial assistance and we will do our best to support your school community.

* There may be an additional one-time cost for travel and/or additions that schools may request to have in their program.


If you would like to support this project by sponsoring or making a donation you can do so at (tax receipts will be available for Canadian residents) Thank you for your generosity!

We wish you all the best and look forward to working with you to create a virtual grad experience like no other.

Are you Ready to Give Students an Amazing Ceremony?

Let’s Connect!

Get in Touch

PO Box 96086
Calgary, Alberta
T3H 0L3